The warm weather brings so many fun things, like beach days and picnics, but one thing we can all do without is the influx of mosquitoes. The pesky bugs are hard to avoid when spending time outside, but if you have the right repellent, you can enjoy your backyard without getting bitten. This Thermacell repellent lantern has earned more than 7,700 perfect ratings from shoppers who say it allows them to “sit outside for hours without the nuisance of mosquitoes.” Shop it for $28 at Amazon.
Using a fuel cartridge, the device heats up an allethrin-infused mat (a common synthetic insecticide) on the top of the lantern to release the mosquito repellent. With a 15-foot radius of protection, it covers a wide space to make sure that bugs stay far away from you. It starts working in just 15 minutes, and the repellent lasts for up to four hours at a time, so you won’t have to stop mid-party to refill it. The mats themselves turn from blue to white to indicate when they’re ready to be replaced; the fuel cartridge lasts 12 hours, so we recommended grabbing the replacement kit, too. The lantern’s repellent is Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-reviewed to ensure that it’s safe for both people and pets, too. According to reviewers, it has little to no smell, unlike many bug sprays and citronella candles.
Buy on Amazon No one will even realize that the device is actually bug repellent, since it looks like a decorative lantern. One shopper called it a “practical and pretty patio accessory.” Plus, it doubles as a light for nighttime hangouts in the backyard—just be sure to grab AAA batteries to power it before the party starts. At just 7 inches tall, the compact size makes the device easy to travel with, too (though the fuel cartridge is not allowed on planes). Reviewers particularly love it for camping, with one person saying, “I usually get eaten alive while camping, but [the lantern is] a godsend!” They also called it a “camping game changer.”
Ward Off Bugs This Summer With These 8 Insect Repellents You'll Actually Want To Use Since there’s no flame, the repellent lantern is safer to have around kids and pets than candles, and you can place it near plants without worrying about starting a fire. Keep in mind that it’s not water resistant, though, so you’ll have to take it inside when it rains. The lantern is designed for outdoor use only, and the brand recommends placing it upwind and in the center of your space for the best protection.
“I cannot get over how well this product works,” one customer raved. “I use it almost every time I go outside or sit on my porch. [It’s an] excellent product, and I tell everyone I know about this product so they can go outside and enjoy the outdoors without getting bit[ten] by mosquitos.” Another shopper from the deep South was shocked by how well the lantern works, saying, “I have no clue what witchcraft and sorcery the team at Thermacell uses in [it].”
Hurry to grab the bug repellent lantern now before mosquito season really kicks in so you can spend time outside without getting bitten. Check out even more bug repellents from Amazon below.
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