Emotions book by Silvia Rizzi. 96 pages, full color. Step by step instructions for several projects, along with beautiful photographs. From the author: "In my work, facial study is my main source of inspiration, elaborated through a close contact with the world of dreams, where everything is possible, space and time cease to be limiting categories and the most disparate subjects coexist harmoniously. Alongside female portraits, intricate details and fantastic motifs become symbols of a surreal world in which vision, madness, mystery...and poetry coexist."
Painting Birds by Jayne Houston
Painting Flowers by Jayne Houston
Porcelain Painting - Hommage by Di Curtin
Roses and the Fine Art of China Painting by Sonie Ames
Porcelain Painting - Exotica by Melanie Foster
Porcelain Painting - Touch of Lace by Shuko Kishida
Dresden Flowers 2 by Jane Houston
Just Berries by Paula Collins
A Floral Variety by Paula Collins
Painting Time by Norma Gulick, CLOSEOUT SPECIAL