Man's best friend will really appreciate you storing their treats in this airtight jar with the dog bone on the top. This beautiful stoneware jar measures 7 3/4" high and 4 3/4" in diameter and will keep Fido's goodies fresh and moist. Made in China, it's dishwasher safe. Please remove the silicone seal if decorating and kiln firing.
Birdhouse Night Light, 5.25"
4" Baby Carriage Hinged Box
4.75" Baby Shoe with Gold Banded Recessed Area
3.25" Baby Cradle
"It's a Boy" Double Gold Banded Rim Plate, 6.375"
3.5" Baby Shoe
5" Creamer Night Light
"It's a Girl" Double Gold Banded Rim Plate, 6.375"
4.25" Seated Ballerina Figurine
4" Baby Shoe