Brush, Regular #4, Kasan Hair. Made from the prized hair of the Siberian Kasan squirrel, these are the finest quality brushes available for porcelain painting. They are made in France using techniques from the early 1900's. Each quill is hand tied and made with only the finest tips of the Kasan hair. The fine hairs are excellent to hold paint and oil and give a very consistent result. With proper care, these will last for many years.
Summertime Roses by San Do
Meissen Cherries by Ruth Cooper
Green Cabbage by Camille Muller
Roses and Double Violets by Mary Ashcroft
Grapes by Frances Braxton
Eucalyptus Blossom by Sonie Ames
Pears & Morning Glories by Frances Braxton
Floral Goblets by Celee Evans
Deep Red Roses by Sonie Ames
Daisies by Frances Braxton