This 9 5/8" porcelain dinner plate is gilded with two gold bands and will complement any rim shaped dinner set. These are very economical and are an excellent value. Not dishwasher or microwave safe. Made in China.
Matches 6476 - 6 3/8" plate
44 oz. Bernadotte Coffee Pot, Double Platinum Banded
10.25" Bernadotte Vegetable Bowl, SELECTED SECONDS
9.25" Chinese Bernadotte Soup Bowl
10.625" Double Platinum Banded Bernadotte Plate
11 oz. Bernadotte Mug
7.625" Porcelain Bernadotte Plate
Bernadotte Shape Tea for One, 12 oz.
Bernadotte Sugar and Creamer
16" Bernadotte Tray
Chinese Bernadotte Gravy Boat